Saturday, February 6, 2010


Often people get these three terms confused and just put them all in the same bunch. Though ideally they all are in the same family, they all stand alone on their own. Myself, I choose the ladder of the three. I love the idea of Advertising. Implementing creative strategies to engage the consumer into the culture of the brand and/or product. Let's be honest. Did Danica Patrick really persuade you to use to purchase your domain name for your upstart business, can Jay-Z really influence you to purchase a computer, and does it matter that LeBron James chooses State Farm insurance over Geico. The answer is YES, it makes all of a difference and not neccessarily that aforementioned celebrities in particular but consumers have always had an emotional connection to how and why they purchase a product.

I know in African-American households some things have become apart of our culture. When you were younger watching Saturday morning cartoons and mom made you get up to clean and sweep the carpet with Pine Sol. 20 years later you feel like Pine Sol is the only thing that will clean your household properly.
The true answer to "M.A.P" is indentifying your target consumer. Having experience with both Agency and Corporate Marketing with a Fortune 500 company as well as working in the entertainment industry, we all realize that the #1 key is to indentify the consumer and penetrate the market with precision and accuracy. Corporate America and the entertainment industry often seems to miss the target, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars loss, loss of jobs, and waste of product.
We are making strides to continuously bridge the gap and find a solution thanks to companies like Nike (watch Swoosh! Inside Nike), Coca-Cola, and advertising agencies both large and small i.e. Wieden & kennedy, Translation Advertising, and Market Vision.
As long as well pay attention to the "M.A.P" and follow the directions, we will be sure to all reach the final destination one way or another.

Main Entry: mar·ket·ing
Pronunciation: \ˈmär-kə-tiŋ\
Function: noun
Date: 1561
1 a : the act or process of selling or purchasing in a market
b : the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service
2 : an aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer

Main Entry: pro·mo·tion
Pronunciation: \prə-ˈmō-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : the act or fact of being raised in position or rank : preferment
2 : the act of furthering the growth or development of something; especially : the furtherance of the acceptance and sale of merchandise through advertising, publicity, or discounting

Main Entry: ad·ver·tise
Pronunciation: \ˈad-vər-ˌtīz\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ad·ver·tised; ad·ver·tis·ing
Etymology: Middle English, to pay heed to, observe, notify, from Anglo-French advertiss-, stem of advertir
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 : to make something known to : notify
2 a : to make publicly and generally known
b : to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast
c : to call public attention to especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize : promote

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