Saturday, June 26, 2010


  • 3 Million iPADS in 80 days
  • 3hr staff meetings once a week with all department heads
  • Continued innovative product development
  • Hands on CEO of product development
  • Mobile devices that will replace PC's and MAC's
  • Sleeker, faster, more compatible iPhone 4
  • Created a digital platform for music, movies, books and more that will allow users to engage in a vast amount of content via touchscreen products
Apple recently released Safari 5.0 with the Reader view which conveniently "removes annoying ads and other visual distractions from online articles." I have personally been zapping those annoying ads with Readability, which Apple used to power its reader, since last year.

Surprisingly, no one seems to have noticed how easy Apple has made it to remove ads from web pages just by double-tapping the browser on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. This, while Apple is simultaneously attempting to re-invent interactive brand advertising with its new iAd format, rolling out July 1. What gives?

Apple CEO and device impresario Steve Jobs has seen online ads and thinks they're so bad they actually threaten the user experience of Apple products from the iPad to the web browser. Fortunately, he's also trying to do something about it.

The Dean's Notes: If all corporate companies, record labels, oil/gas companies, etc. paid as much attention to detail to their products and staff as Steve Jobs does, the economy may just be in a better position at the moment. You have to give a lot of credit to successful indy musicians and start up companies who are thriving by paying attention to detail and listening to what the consumer has to say about their products.

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